Saturday, September 2, 2017

hitting it hard

Hitting the Don't Give a Fuck wall currently.
Apologies to those sturdy souls who aren't already jacked-in to social media, and relied on this site for their info. It was especially for you folks in the first place, but
I'm tired of doing free promotion for people that turn out to be creeps and assholes. 

I know - big epiphany, right? I keep having to relearn this lesson. Also, apologies to those who went to some event on my recommendation and found it to be an alienating or otherwise shitty experience. 
If I decide to continue playing Scene Dude in this town, I suppose this is where you'll find out about it, but I'm starting to be more interested in good people than cool "scenes." Maybe RFN will mutate into something different.
Protect ya heart.

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