Tues. June 28- www.facebook.com/events/968837689902896
Alaska (http://alaskanv.bandcamp.com)
Young Jesus (https://youngjesus.bandcamp.com)
I'm Glad It's You
@ The Doghouse (316 Girard Blvd. SE) 7pm
Young Jesus (https://youngjesus.bandcamp.com)
I'm Glad It's You
@ The Doghouse (316 Girard Blvd. SE) 7pm
Thieves & Gypsys (https://thievesgypsys.bandcamp.com)
Port Alice (https://portalice.bandcamp.com)
Thom Simon (Eugene, OR- https://thomsimon.bandcamp.com)
Orange Anima (CA/W. TX http://orangeanima.bandcamp.com)
@ Ghost (2889 Trades West Rd. Ste. C, in Santa Fe) doors at 8pm, $10 suggested donation
Port Alice (https://portalice.bandcamp.com)
Thom Simon (Eugene, OR- https://thomsimon.bandcamp.com)
Orange Anima (CA/W. TX http://orangeanima.bandcamp.com)
@ Ghost (2889 Trades West Rd. Ste. C, in Santa Fe) doors at 8pm, $10 suggested donation
Fri. July 1- www.facebook.com/events/1737136846507985
The Lonely Revolts (www.reverbnation.com/thelonelyrevolts)
Hemingway (http://hemingwaypdx.bandcamp.com)
@ The Doghouse (316 Girard Blvd. SE) 7pm
Hemingway (http://hemingwaypdx.bandcamp.com)
@ The Doghouse (316 Girard Blvd. SE) 7pm
Fri. July 1- Live in Dirt City
local flyer art show, showcasing decades of ABQ DIY & experimental music scene history, with video & zine documentation as well!
Sat. July 2- Burque Bazaar 3 aka Punk Rock Flea Market
Community Swapmeet/GarageSale/FleaMa rket, etc. in conjunction with the flyer art show above - Records, Clothes, Arts/supplies, Books/Zines, Bikes/parts, Instruments, Photography/Cameras, Occult Items, Patches, Posters, Boots/Braces, etc. (you know the drill) - if interested in vending please reach out to RSVP
@ Graft Gallery (1415 4th St. SW) 10am on
@ Graft Gallery (1415 4th St. SW) 10am on
Karima Walker (Tucson song+image: http://karimawalker.bandcamp.com, www.karimawalker.com)
Chicharra (bass’n’bugs- https://soundcloud.com/chicharranm)
Ermine (desert dada- https://soundcloud.com/ermine-206751453)
@ Ocotillo Room in the Mood Salon (508 Third Street SW), 7-11pm, $5
Seeya somewhere soon! Support local independent & underground media;
practice self-expression. Small things grow tuff in the desert.